The typical claims process for a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim

Typically, the claims process for a motor vehicle accident takes an average of 14 to 18 months to reach a Compulsory Conference (the stage at which the majority of claims will settle). If the claim does not settle at this stage, then Court proceedings are commenced. There are then further opportunities to negotiate a settlement […]
Motor Vehicle Accident Claim Farming

Changes to the Motor Vehicle Claims Process in Queensland & Claim Farming – What it means for you On 5 December 2019 new laws were passed (Motor Accident Insurance and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019) that implement changes to the current claims process for people injured in motor vehicle accidents in Queensland. The purpose of the […]
What to do when involved in a car accident

Do you know what to do when you have been involved in a car accident? When you have been involved in a car accident, you are often in shock and it is common for people to overlook the simple things they should do immediately in order to protect their rights. So we have compiled a […]
Injuries in Gold Coast Workplaces

Health and Safety Profile All employers in Queensland are required to have WorkCover Insurance. Even if your employer has failed to obtain insurance with WorkCover, you are still covered and able to make a claim.Some employers may have their own insurance schemes that operate on a similar basis to WorkCover.Once you make a claim your […]