Do you know what to do when you have been involved in a car accident?
When you have been involved in a car accident, you are often in shock and it is common for people to overlook the simple things they should do immediately in order to protect their rights. So we have compiled a list of the top things you should do following an accident.
At the accident scene:-
1. Exchange details with any other drivers involved in the accident – take pictures of their driver licence if possible and/or record their name, address and phone number. You should also obtain the other driver’s insurance company details and record their vehicle registration number, make and model of vehicle. If the other driver fails to provide their details, then you can contact the police.
2. Take Photographs – of the scene, damaged vehicles and any other relevant items (such as injuries sustained, skid marks on the road etc)
3. Call the Police to report the accident.
Following the accident you should:-
1. Attend upon a Hospital or your local doctor ASAP if you are suffering pain or injuries.
2. Contact your vehicle’s Insurance company to report the accident if required.
3. Follow up with Police to ensure a Police Report has been completed.
4. Records details of the incident (such as date, time, location, how it occurred etc).
5. Keep receipts for all out-of-pocket expenses related to treatment, rehabilitation, medication, travel etc relating to the accident.
It is never too early to contact your personal injury lawyer for advice following a motor vehicle accident. We offer obligation-free advice on your rights following an accident and the earlier you contact us the better. We can then ensure that everything is done properly from the outset, in order to ensure your claim runs smoothly from the start. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, then please call us today.